Umbrail Pass – 2,503m

Location: Via Umbrail Santa Maria im Mustair to Passo dello Stelvio (10 miles)

Coordinates: 46.5416,10.4332

Ridden: 2009

This gets a star rating simply because of its quirkiness. How many passes are there where you have a mile of unpaved hard packed earth in the middle. Starting in Santa Maria you are quickly into a series of 14 hairpins before you move onto the non-tarmac section. There are two hairpins in this section both covered in loose gravel so some care is needed. Over a bridge and back onto the tarmac and the road begins to open up with only a few more hairpins before reaching the summit, just above the junction with the upper end of the western ramp of the Passo dello Stelvio. We rode this pass both ways. Great fun.

Since we rode this pass the road was entirely asphalted in 2015, the last unpaved section to be replaced being the mile long stretch on the Swiss side.