Passo di Rolle – 1,955m

Location: SS50 Fiero di Primiero to Predazzo (26 miles)

Coordinates: 46.2962937,11.7886974

Ridden: 2009

This was the 9th pass in our 18 passes in a day ride – preceded by Passo di Cereda and followed by Passo di Valles. A fairly main route in the Dolomites with all the disadvantages that entails i.e. a lot of traffic, some of which lacks the discipline to stay on their side of the road. This ill-disciplined traffic includes bikes. On more than one occasion we’ve encountered bikes on the wrong side of the road heading towards us. The road was well surfaced but it’s not easy to keep up a good rhythm, especially in the lower reaches from Fiera to San Martin di Castrozza, where the pass proper started. Unfortunately the need to keep your wits about you on any road of this type were emphasized by coming round a corner to find a lot of bikes parked up along with an ambulance containing what we envisaged to be a seriously injured biker.